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1. Why fumigation?

Fumigation of wooden packaging/mater影院免費ial is a compulsory measure taken to prevent harm噼裡啪啦姑娘ful pests and diseases from harming the 在線動漫forest resources of the importing count成全視頻ry.


2. What to be fumigated?

Log materials for packing and 國語TVstrengthening goods.Marked with IPPC影院動漫 for those fumigated.


3. Fumigation methods

Drugs and Heat Treatment

Common use of drug treatment: methyl bromide視頻資源, ethylene oxide



1) Legal fumigation,even midnight,姐姐飄雪 Saturday and Sunday can be opera資源噼裡啪啦ted

2) Easy to operate: press the fumigMV國語ation drug into the box under high pressu視頻飄雪re, can return container once finishing loading丁香花GO.

3) Complies with the requirements of the InternaMVTVtional Plant Protection Convent藝術丁香花ion (IPPC)

4) Quick: by getting bill of lading, can issue o成全姐姐rigin fumigation certificate within 2在線丁香花 days

★Australia and New Zealand fumigation please in中文版丁香花form in advance, there are specia大地大地l requirements for packaging declaratio視頻高清n.

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